This “game” is sooo tired & spent, why I gotta start skipping these comments sections. OTOH, ALL of us are so worn out by the b.s. games of politics that have overtaken modern society in today’s media-saturated landscape that we GOTTA vent our frustrations somewhere=> so we Go*Comics!
Hey,some parts of life (see above) will kill ya! The beautiful parts = blackeyed peas, spinach, cannabis, palm trees & sequoia, wild mountains & psychedelic sunsets & most of the natural world—those type o’things make my eyes & mind very happy so I’ll stick with dosing on those as much as I can!
A valid point=> Cannabis = a natural plant, ie a living thing= part of life on this beautiful blue & green planet (Hmm, indica OR sativa?) Say "yes’’ to life! ;)
I still have have DAC broadcast TV for PBS shows (BBC/Planet Earth/various nature & travel shows) and anything else I want 2see I can easily find on Y.Tube website w/my tablet. No streaming/satellite, don’t need ANY of that stuff!
That’s funny …. my working brain has made me much more OPEN to “weird art" and those whose POV & artistic oevres are different than mine.