Yes, educational. Just recently he achieved worldwide acclaim for the discovery of a new dinosaur in Utah, a 14-horned tricerotops, that he named Kosmoceratops calvinii. I can’t wait to see the hat they make for that one!
I have to chime in with an old parody of the Bosco chocolate syrup ad that mysteriously spread from coast to coast in the fifties:
“I hate Bosco, Bosco’s bad for me./ Mommy puts it in my milk to try to poison me! / But I fooled my Mommy and put it in her tea…/ and now I have no Mommy to try to poison me!”
Yes, educational. Just recently he achieved worldwide acclaim for the discovery of a new dinosaur in Utah, a 14-horned tricerotops, that he named Kosmoceratops calvinii. I can’t wait to see the hat they make for that one!