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Superhawk Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 1 hour ago on Herman

    Why does he keep yelling, “She’s a nut!” every time they pass the elephants?!

  2. about 1 hour ago on Speed Bump

    I bet he really likes the ‘Random Butt’ scent.

  3. about 1 hour ago on Close to Home

    They used to dump the shredded papers around the building’s landscaping as mulch. Looks like they’ve added a ‘middleman’.

  4. about 1 hour ago on Luann

    This arc is putting me to sleep. Wake me up when Toni opens her gift from Brad. More importantly, I can’t wait to see brad’s face when Toni gives him her ‘gift’.

  5. about 1 hour ago on Strange Brew

    Amazing! He laid on the keyboard and was able to get complete words!

  6. about 1 hour ago on Arlo and Janis

    It’s actually easy to buy for the person who has ‘everything’. You buy them ‘nothing’. It’s the one thing they no longer have.

  7. about 1 hour ago on Diamond Lil

    The elifie knows what he’s talking about.

  8. about 1 hour ago on In Security

    Looks like he’s taking a time out. If he’s not careful, he could be flagged for a very offensive infraction.

  9. 1 day ago on Herman

    I recognize this numbering system from the week I spent in the lobby of the DMV.

  10. 1 day ago on Speed Bump

    With the number of gift cards that are given out each year, I would think he would be the most frazzled elf at the North Pole.