Ethnic stereotyping at its most childish and vulgar. Danziger should try getting out of his northeast cocoon some time and try visiting the real south. He probably thinks that “The Beverly Hillbillies” was a documentary series.
She was fired for multiple instances of plagiarism in her academic work (in non-academic terms, for fraud, lying and cheating). She was not fired for her anti-semitic “opinions,” and would still be on the job if her plagiarism had not been discovered. As to the Harvard students, I expect that many of them agree only too well with opinions.
Ted (“old lefty”) is a loyal communist – the ideology that has failed everywhere it was tried, but not without butchering and starving millions. As Churchill observed: “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others.”
The Ukraine is under martial law because it was attacked by Russia, so it has no choice is the matter. Like the Trumpists, Rall has a serious blind-spot where Russia is involved.
“…wandering…unmoored, confused…” – sounds like Biden