Whenever you get to the station/there’s no need to be angry or vexed;/you’ll always be late for the previous [bus]/and always in time for the next! – Piet Hein, Grooks (edited slightly for context)
No, it’s a good cough suppressant. I’m old enough (78) to remember my mom giving me “elixer of alurate” – an opium solution – when I had a cough.Of course the cough suppression carried too far becomes respiratory arrest, the usual cause of overdose fatalities.
You walk into the room/and you ask "Is this where it is?:/and somebody points at you and says “It’s his!”/and you say “What’s mine?”/and somebody else says “Well what is?”/and you ask “Oh my God, am I here all alone?”
I used to believe in reincarnation, but I don’t now; that was in a previous incarnation.