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  1. 11 days ago on Crankshaft

    Banned and burning is a sign of extremism from both sides. Hard to control the masses if they can read the source material and make their own choices. I Son, 1 Granddaughter of whom I am inordinately proud.

  2. 16 days ago on Crankshaft

    I read “Tropic of Cancer” because it was banned when I was in middle school (Age in excess of 75). My home library had multiple “banned” books when my Son was in middle and high school, most of them were so badly written that he refused to read them once he started. I, as you can see, do not support banning books, If more people read “Mein Kamph” by A. Hitler and “The Prince” by N. Machiavelli there would be more understanding of some of the BS being spouted on both sides.