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  1. almost 6 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Why do stupid people always like to suggest others leave? Why would anyone leave and abandon a great country to the likes of stupid people? No, we’ll stay and put stupid people in their place. Maybe with the new lack of net neutrality rules, we can impose an IQ requirement. That would keep a lot of the Trumpsters off the web.

  2. about 6 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    McCoy is the perfect Trumpster. Throw BS (Stormy Daniels) at a legitimate investigation and see what sticks. McCoy is hoping for an invitation to the White House, that’s why he’s sucking up to Trump.

  3. about 6 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    The truth is something that is very inconvenient for folks like McCoy, and other Trumpsters. The truth is, when Obama said you could keep your doctor, you could. Later that became more difficult. Trump lies from the get go, and McCoy and other Trumpsters swear to it. Insofar as Benghazi, that’s been hammered on ad nauseum and even Trey Gowdy admitted nothing was there. But you Trumpster Chumpsters keep on lying. It’s your highest and best use.

  4. about 6 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    I am in awe of the slanted, biased and one sided nature of this cartoon. First, nobody is calling for his impeachment for an affair. For lying and violating the election laws? Sure! It’s funny how you irrational right types were busting a gut over Monica Lewinsky, but you’re OK with Trump being a serial philanderer and covering it up with NDA’s.

    Neither the right nor the left has the monopoly on hypocrisy, but the right has raised hypocrisy to an art form. They do it so well, and so often, and without shame.

  5. about 6 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    You’re kidding, right? You irrational right types are really stretching credibility these days. First, it’s the affair. Now, you’re even stooping to lying and implying it’s OK for Trump? Next, it’ll be “he paid Stormy and so it’s just a business transaction.” Poor Melania. She’s too good for Trump.

  6. over 8 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    GLB1 wrote: “Hasn’t affected Obama.”

    What a stupid reply. Obama hasn’t said he’d build a wall, or deport people. What scares me about you people is that you’re really stupid. And giving stupid power is not a good thing.

  7. over 11 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Romney is goin’ down hard today, boys. That’s the fact of the matter.

  8. almost 12 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    I thought better of you, Glen McCoy. Or is it Glen Beck? Can’t tell the difference by this silly cartoon.

  9. over 12 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Wow, McCoy, just how out of touch ARE you? The Dow is up 4,500 points and the economy is turning, although slowly and in a fragile way. You’re just another right wing hack.