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rimcrazy Free

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  1. over 9 years ago on Doonesbury

    30K a year as an adjunct? Where did they get those numbers. I’m an adjunct at a local CC. At best I can make about 15K/year GROSS. Not allowed to teach any more than that as they would have to pay benefits, which they won’t do. Not only that to fill the classes they actually double up on the courses so typically in a semester I’m teaching 2-3 and sometimes 4 classes in the same room at the same time…. which 2-3 times the lesson plans, 2-3 times the homework, 2-3 times the prep work and assistance….. all the time being paid for 1 CLASS. Oh… it’s a joy being an adjunct. I like teaching. I like the students. Adjuncts need to unionize and put an end to this abuse.