I swear my first Maine Coon mix would wait with the Catnip Times tucked under his front leg, glaring at me as I cleaned his box. Then he’d go and use all the others one by one just to experience that ‘new cat litter smell’
Py, The Imperial made a game out of spinning his water dish. I never knew where I would find it. He even managed to tip over one of the weighted dog water dishes that I bought out of sheer desperation to not walk into my kitchen to find a flood. His Minion, The Miffed Maine Coon to this day will only drink out of the bathroom sink. And you must attend him while he does so. Spoiled cats? No, I’m just exceedly well trained
I’m thinking she’s be much happier if it was just Clover, herself, Winnie and Wigglesworth. Ivan is a sociopath, Peter’s best friend is a rock, Pilot lives for his rats, and Vesper has really bad taste in men.
I swear my first Maine Coon mix would wait with the Catnip Times tucked under his front leg, glaring at me as I cleaned his box. Then he’d go and use all the others one by one just to experience that ‘new cat litter smell’