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  1. over 13 years ago on Bob the Squirrel

    Its been about a month now that we had to make the horrible decision about letting our Chester (min schnauzer) go. He was only 8 but had developed diabetes. Was given 2 shots daily but eventually it took its toll on his eyes and he went blind. We dealt with this for awhile and readjusting. We took him into the vet to get his glaucous check up done and she informed us of an operation that they could do to make him see again. It was expensive but that they could do a test to determine his dominate eye and only do the operation on that one eye. We got so excited and started to save up and think about what we could do without or sell etc. Several weeks later while he was at work with w/ me he would just drink water and then throw up. No matter what he couldn’t keep things down. That night his glaucous was 700 at the emergency clinic. Pretty much he was in liver failure. This is why he was throwing it all up =( It was then we knew what we had to do and it was then we had no idea how hard things would truly get. To this day his things are still in the same spot at my shop and well at home. I still have his biscuits in a zip lock back on my desk for which I am looking at while I type this to you wiping tears away. Not one day goes by that I don’t think about my cruising buddy, working buddy etc. It’s most hard during morning hours as he would come to work with me. After noons I would take him home at lunch (who could blame him right lol) but it’s then when I go home and walk through the front door and he is not there waiting/barking for me. He had a knub for tail as most schnauzers do, so I would always ask “what knubby do”? I still catch myself doing this. I know eventually time will heal to its best abilities but for now I don’t want it to in fear of forgetting the simple things about him…