This is not for CAN-AM, who I assume is being (at best) willfully ignorant and doesn’t merit any interaction, but for everyone else, Kamala’s agenda is here in some detail: >
Also, I’m sure Amazon could make their search engine more accurate, if they wanted to. It’s almost as if it benefits them to have people spinning around and around on their site trying to find things.
I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to find the product with the least worrisome negative reviews, and I always feel like I am making a mistake when I order something.
With all due respect, this is not what I read Dick Tracy for. Actually I don’t even read it at all when it’s just nostalgia guest stars from other strips.
With all due respect to the people who enjoy the old-timey comic strip nostalgia - and I used to read Gasoline Alley back in the 70s myself- DT lately is feeling like a new Star Wars movie that’s 50% walk-ons by characters from Krull and The Last Starfighter and visits from R2-D2’s long-lost cousins Twiki and V.I.N.CENT.
This is not for CAN-AM, who I assume is being (at best) willfully ignorant and doesn’t merit any interaction, but for everyone else, Kamala’s agenda is here in some detail: >