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Perhaps I should have said the gentleman from Cancun instead of Texas to make my meaning plain. “Distinguished” is an adjective applied, frequently undeservedly, to Senators.
And yet Varvel never comments on Drumpf’s incoherent, rambling, racist rants, his plans to overturn democracy, nor his allegiance to Putin
I wonder where the distinguished gentleman from Texas is? Ted Cancun is surely not in Texas right now.
Better than Putin pulling Trump’s strings
Republicans hate few things more than “facts.” Accurate reporting is anathema.
What’s he going to do when he discovers that Drumpf told Putin who told Iran how to foil the Israeli “Iron Dome”?
For once I agree …..
When is he going to do a cartoon about Jared and Ivanka’s corruption?
As if Billy Barr didn’t suppress investigations & prosecutions of the Drumpf Klan ….
From the President who encouraged the crowd who carried a gallows to the Capitol to hang Mike Pence ….
Perhaps I should have said the gentleman from Cancun instead of Texas to make my meaning plain. “Distinguished” is an adjective applied, frequently undeservedly, to Senators.