Gypsy8Sorry, Dude, but everyone came from somewhere. If you take it to the extreme, EVERYONE (save perhaps those from a very tiny region of what we now call Africa) ARE IMMIGRANTS.No one with any concept of history or anthropology can declare that those groups, generally called “Native Americans”, were not here for centuries before Europeans arrived…And then were actively and violently destroyed by the invading Europeans.As a “Cherokee American”, I can also vigorously defend MY tribe’s contribution to human evolution, as we were the ONLY Native American tribe ( due to Sequoyah’s efforts) to have a literacy rate of 100% (not matched by any nation today).Maybe, Gypsy8, you should read a book.
In my experience, with each of my former wives (don’t ask), yes. It is rule One, Two, and Three, at the very least.Apparently, I can’t count to “one”, hence the multiple former wives.
Gotta say I understand. I once asked “Why don’t my patients ever just tell me a joke?”The answer, of course, is they could tell anyone a joke, for free…
I really don’t understand this “humility” thing. Honestly, I already grasp the obvious fact that I’m better than everyone else…