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perky007 Premium

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  1. over 3 years ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    I listen to Kpop [ 19-K 84-Po 15-P ] periodically w/ about the same frequency as I drink coffee

  2. over 3 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Thanks, Jef, for your POV. It’s funny, true… but topic is also deadly serious.

    Stop signs can be a good excuse to practice trackstands, which may or may not be legal in your area. I’ll unclip a cleated shoe from the pedal to plant on the ground if I can’t maintain the trackstand to do the full stop. Always try to do a complete stop at all stop signs & red traffic lights + yielding right-of-way to pedestrians & other traffic.

    Use a bright headlight & taillights at all times. Love the Asloh trigger bicycle bell to alert cyclists, runners, walkers, dog-walkers, skateboarders, and children, animals, & others playing in the streets of your presence. Seems like everybody is in the street since the pandemic. Be always ready to stop/slow down. —Asloh trigger bicycle bell — nice designhttps://www.osloh.com/products/trigger-bell

    Cycling has been wonderful during the pandemic… less traffic! Does shaming work? I.e., if the cyclist can do complete stops complying w/ rules of the road, why can’t some motorists stop doing rolling stops? I think that is what Jef is yelling about. Therefore, lead by example.

    When you’re out there doing it in the road, it’s a two-way street for courtesy. The following two (2) articles discuss why some people hate cyclists.

    “Why Bikes Make Smart People Say Dumb Things [Carl Alviani / Medium]https://medium.com/cycling-in-the-city/why-bikes-make-smart-people-say-dumb-things-9316abbd5735

    “The strange psychological phenomenon that explains why people hate cyclists” — Fundamental Attribution Error. [Thomas Dunn / BoingBoing]https://boingboing.net/2021/03/17/the-strange-psychological-phenomenon-that-explains-why-people-hate-cyclists.html

  3. over 8 years ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    As my noted photographer/teacher, Glenn Rand said to my photography class many years ago, “No images of cats. Unless they are of dead cats.” I think Mr. Rand was tired of ‘cute’ photographs. Cuteless.