Depends on your perspective. If you’re observing from the scientists view or from the vie facing the scientists.
UW housed the football players in the dorms 1 year (We had Warren Moon on my floor). It didn’t work well. Some of the particularly large, rowdy players got drunk & tore some things up occasionally – ripped a drinking fountain off a wall, etc
Stem’s squad girls probably detest her too.
Here he looks like he is in high school
His side views have looked like Brad, the last 3 days.
Make a list of wants / don’t wants & look for what is available that hits most in your price range, where you want it.
Anthony didn’t see Elizabeth peering through the trophy case at the Senior.
Insecurities & HORMONES indeed!
Anthony’s standing up straight with his shoulders back. Must hurt with Elizabeth jabbing her finger that hard!
Depends on your perspective. If you’re observing from the scientists view or from the vie facing the scientists.