Okay I call BS! Where were you stationed/deployed soldier/sailor/marine/airman? When did you serve? And how is it you were in San Francisco when everyone else debarked across the bay? And in uniform, really?The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory and the Legacy of Vietnam is a 1998 book by sociologist Jerry Lembcke. The book argues that the common claim that American soldiers were spat upon and insulted by anti-war protesters upon returning home from the Vietnam War is an urban legend intended to discredit the anti-war movement. Lembcke writes that this discrediting of the anti-war movement was foreshadowed by Hermann Göring’s fostering of the stab in the back myth, after Germany’s defeat in Europe in 1918.1
You know that guy, the one who said, it’s easier for a camel to pass the the eye on a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. He told a rich guy to sell everything and give the proceeds to the poor! He told every rich guy to give their riches to the poor. That’s the guy you want to argue with. I’m sure he’ll change his tune when you explain it.
I recently re-read Animal Farm too. I read it first back in High School fifty years ago. Back then I saw it as a cautionary tale for the USA. “We hold these truths to be self evident all men are created equal.” That’s us. y’know! But that cautionary tale has become an operational manual; e.g. one man one vote becomes one dollar one vote, promote the general welfare good, corporate welfare better. That’s us now, y’know.
Right again L, not prosecuting Bush and congress is a crime. Y’know just societies enact laws to promote the general welfare, like our constitution declares. The rich use Socialism to promote their own welfare, not the constitutional general welfare; therefor our society is logiacally unjust.
“Because this is not a communist country and you have no right to take money from one person and give it to another.” You’re right, I don’t have that right – only rich guys do. Never forget -the banks got bailed out we got sold out. Socialism is so very very good for the rich – it’s way too good for the rich to share.
Zip’s a maker – not a taker! He’ll be making unforgivable student loan payments, fees and penalties for-freekin-ever. Investment in a country’s future through affordable higher education happens only in advancing countries.
Okay I call BS! Where were you stationed/deployed soldier/sailor/marine/airman? When did you serve? And how is it you were in San Francisco when everyone else debarked across the bay? And in uniform, really?The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory and the Legacy of Vietnam is a 1998 book by sociologist Jerry Lembcke. The book argues that the common claim that American soldiers were spat upon and insulted by anti-war protesters upon returning home from the Vietnam War is an urban legend intended to discredit the anti-war movement. Lembcke writes that this discrediting of the anti-war movement was foreshadowed by Hermann Göring’s fostering of the stab in the back myth, after Germany’s defeat in Europe in 1918.1