SIS upside down is 212
Don’t they realize that unless someone is in your Contacts List only the number appears and not always that!
Rember when almost all comics just said a version of “Merry Christmas” on this day of the year?
Looks like a bottle of Blanton’s Bourbon (just missing the metal horse on top of the cork).
It’s a crime against humanity! If you want donuts that are chewy and bland just buy a plain bagel – no shmear. (BTW I do like bagels.)
Anybody notice how Garfield’s GF and John’s GF look very similar?
So if a comment irritates you, you can reply to the poster with “FLICK YOU!”.
I just re-read that book a couple of weeks ago. I believe it was Colonel Clarence Potter and General Ned Forrest the III.
Just because Breezy is into rough stuff doesn’t mean that Cobra isn’t into it too. After all they are both into Rip.
I think you forgot the c. (gangsta crap)
SIS upside down is 212