
moosemin Free

I love reading History. I find it more fascinating than most fiction. Although a registered Independent voter, my political and social views lean to a conservative outlook. Both major political parties are, in my opinion, totally bankrupt in ideals and intent. Both pull too far in their respective direction, and all have sold themselves to the highest bidders. A New England Yankee, I have great admiration for the founders of our nation. The early ones, Washington, Adams Jefferson and others put their lives on the line. Add Madison, Franklin and more. We are most fortunate that our Revolution/Rebellion was organized and led by educated, enlightened men (not to forget Abigail and some other uncelebrated women) who thought far into the future, and it took other men like Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR to maintain the hopes & dreams of millions. France's Revolution started well, but was taken over by lesser men, and fell into the Reign of Terror, and the Guillotine. Russia suffered Lenin & Trotsky. We were luckier! I cannot get through the day without reading the Comics. Regular comics first, then the Political 'toons. Unemployed for 35 months, I finally landed a good position with a good company! However, now I have less time to comment, (a relief to some) and less time to read other comments. Just typing out my gripes & diatribes gives me a feeling of being a little less helpless, and I feel better having said it. Sometimes I goof. I do like reading other comments: occasionally I learn something.

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    I did it one summer, and panel four is what I did the rest of the day.

  2. about 2 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    The current batch of politicians we sent to Washington have extinguished the light that once inspired other nations.

  3. about 2 hours ago on Ted Rall

    I still see this as an unsolvable dilemma. The killings will slow down only when one side destroys the other. It doesn’t matter any more whether Israel has a right to live there or not. Simple, extreme hatred rules this conflict, with Iranian Mullahs pouring fuel into it every day. Once the Islamics get even a hint that the US is wavering in its support of Israel, a great genocide will engulf the Mideast. Israel will not go down lightly, and take many down with them. For them, one holocaust was one too many. At that point, neither they, nor the Iranian clerics, will care about bringing the whole world into a death spiral.

  4. about 2 hours ago on Jack Ohman

    The working class toils and pays taxes; The Billionaire-Landlord class is free to buy mega yachts and multiple mansions and collect worker’s money.

  5. about 11 hours ago on ViewsBusiness

    It’s good to be a landlord today!

  6. about 11 hours ago on Rob Rogers

    Gorsuch, Barrett and Kavanaugh aren’t far behind. Gorsuch has vowed revenge on those who treated his mother so badly. (While she was carrying out Reagan’s directive to gut the EPA from within.)

  7. about 11 hours ago on Jack Ohman

    Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer!

  8. about 15 hours ago on Eric Allie

    God is the final judge. I would love to be just outside His/Her office door to eavesdrop while He/She passes judgement!

  9. about 15 hours ago on John Deering

    The Iranian people had just grievances against the US for deposing one of their elected leaders and propping up the Shah, who was just another dictator who brooked no opposition, BUT HE WAS ANTI-COMMUNIST! When overthrown, did the Iranian people do any better under Khomeini? It’s like when Lenin finally died, the Russian people got Stalin! I would truly like to hear from an Iranian citizen about what I just said.

  10. 1 day ago on Nick Anderson

    What is even worse is that they are NOT ashamed!