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  1. 1 day ago on Jeff Stahler

    In 1972, I told my conservative friends (in those days there was such a thing) that Nixon was a crook as he ran for reelection. The night Nixon resigned, in August 1974, I called one of those friends and said, ‘I told you he was a crook.’ My conservative friend admitted I was right. When Ford pardoned Nixon, I told a friend as we were driving back from church that this is a bad precedent, And now here we are 50 years later, with our federal courts tying themselves in knots trying to placate another Republican crook, and it’s true, this one is worse than Nixon, but both of them are accused of committing crimes against the American political system itself. So n Nixon does not look better; he set the precedent.

    And at this time, only one state court system has been left to uphold the rule of law that a Trump-supporting judge in Florida and a Supreme Court majority are dithering so as not to offend their master.

  2. 1 day ago on Robert Ariail

    I agree with this, with one exception: “Our conservative friends…” are not conservative in the traditional American sense of the term. Those people who still call themselves conservatives 1) believe in more national government control, not less. If they were true conservatives they would be applauding the fact of the jury verdict against Trump as a victory for states rights; instead they are apparently trying to assert national government authority over the state and city by saying this is Biden’s directive, which, of course, it is not. 2) They want to take away the right to privacy and women’s freedom regarding their own health care, the happiness accorded to LGBTQ+ people in their relationships and marriages, and the legitimate right to vote, among others as they assert more national government control over individuals and states. 3) They support greater protectionism in trade, which is anathema to a true conservative. They apparently support paramilitary operations, threats of violence and violence against public officials and others they disagree with, all of which is absolutely not the hallmark of a conservative. 4) And they publicly worship a single individual, their false orange god and hail him as a savior of their the fantasized version of America that they have convinced themselves is reality. None of this is conservative in any meaningful way.

  3. 2 days ago on Clay Bennett

    I’m afraid that would require a constitutional amendment. And that is unfortunately not possible in these times.

  4. 2 days ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Trump will show no remorse and he obliquely defied the gag order by going on a lengthy rant against Cohen even though he did not say his name. His meeting with the probation officials should prove interesting, although I don’t know if that report will be made public. He deserves jail time, but in NY first time criminals in this type of case don’t receive it. But maybe the lack of remorse, his disparagement of the judicial system and his dancing around the gag order will weigh heavily in Judge Merchan’s mind.

  5. 2 days ago on Joe Heller

    34 time CONVICTED FELON TRUMP — it has a nice ring to it.

  6. 2 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Weird, isn’t it? that people who claim to be strong proponents of law and order now reject the rule of law and support and promote a CONVICTED FELON as head of their party. They’ve gone off the deep end and I don’t think they’ll come back.

  7. 2 days ago on Clay Bennett

    He is constitutionally eligible: over the age of 35, a natural born citizen and a resident of the US for 14 years. So yes a convicted felon could run for the presidency…to the detriment and shame of the people of the United States.

  8. 2 days ago on ViewsEurope

    I hope this is good riddance for the Tories for awhile. In power 14 years they have overseen their failed Brexit project, the near collapse of the National Health Service, multiple scandals and for the last 2 years were led by a golden boy who worked on wall street at the age of 21 and then gravitated to managing hedge funds in his mid-20’s and who married into a billionaire family that put a platinum spoon in his mouth. And much of their party has followed the despicable Republican party of Trump in the US. May they truly crash and burn.

  9. 2 days ago on Chip Bok

    Like the overwhelming majority of Republicans, Bok is declaring that he is no longer an American, because Americans, first and foremost, believe in the rule of law. Also Republicans once stood for law and order; now they stand for lawlessness and insurrection, as mindless followers of the false Orange god.

  10. 2 days ago on Jeff Stahler

    The overwhelming majority of the Republican Party has abandoned their mantra of law and order. And they now are firmly against the concept of the rule of law, which means they have abandoned the very idea of a democratic society based on the rule of law. They have also distorted or abandoned the concept of republicanism through their extreme gerrymandering and support for the unitary president ideas presented in Project 2025. The name of their party is finally a sick joke and a mockery of the very concept of what America stands for. Now more than ever, if people want to preserve the idea of a democratic republic, VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS UP AND DOWN THE TICKET THIS NOVEMBER AND IN THE NEXT SEVERAL ELECTIONS. Maybe those members of the former Republican party who have not drunk the Trump drug in their Kool Aid will be able to rebuild and provide legitimate opposition in the true American ideal.