I don’t usually write comments but I just had to today. The amount of conservative/tea party people that read this editorial and others is unusual. I know that they are uninformed but you guys really need to get back to reality and realize that there is more in life than just them. I wonder how many of you actually go out and help those that have less than you or those who have hit hard times.
I have never seen such a comglomeration of misfit republican/ tea party people in this comic strip blog. Talk about people who can’t see the problems in front of their faces. Totally blind. Unbelievable. This is why and how the tea party hijacked the republican party. enough said.
This is the tea party trying to hijack the republican party. They think that the American people are only tea party people. This guy is very dangerous. He and the tea party do not care if they shut down the government. The tea party is pathetic. They do not care about anybody but themselves.
you just do not get it. with an attitude like that no wonder the repubs are on the decline. their outdated philosophy.