If she had taken the job, she would’ve been working less days for more money. You could argue that she was being selfish in wanting to spend time with her patients rather than spending time with her kids.
Sometimes yes, you need to keep your head down, mouth shut and do what you are told. What do you think would happen if your boss told you to have the report done by Friday but instead you mouthed off and turned it in the following Monday? There is a time and place for creativity and insight and there is a time and place to do what is asked of you. If you can’t tell the difference, I feel sorry for you.
If the teacher, at the beginning of the year, says that all late assignments will receive an F, then the teacher is following through and holding the student accountable. Nowadays though, it seems like no one wants to be accountable for themselves and expects special treatment. “So what if I turned this in late, I should get a normal grade and the late rules shouldn’t apply to me.”
It’s not a sequel, it is a reboot.