Just a correction on the use of Executive Order: http://www.google.com/url?q=http://1461days.blogspot.com/2011/01/what-presidents-have-used-executive.html%3Fm%3D1&sa=U&ei=6vFWUcXPLImqyQGhv4GoCg&ved=0CAcQFjAA&sig2=rEUqoPGBlt7UR42zbRkFbA&usg=AFQjCNHc9bZYo42YrlJ_hRXoP4bLLYSP7Q
If Obama did not enforce immigration laws, then what accounts for this? http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/12/obamas-record-high-deportations-draw-hispanic-scorn/
Is ProfessorChaos forgetting the many unkind words from Rush Limbaugh re: liberal and Democratic women, or where Ted Nugent said he would place his semi-automatic rifle in regard to Hillary Clinton’s anatomy? It’s not one sided as he suggests. It would be nice if we could all just point our differences without name calling. I think most statements stand on their own, if we take the time to understand what is said rather than waiting for talking points to tell us how we need to interpret them.
I think I need a framed copy of this. Genius!