So the comic is about an American who loses his job in America due to covid lockdowns. Then he moves to another country to become a terrorist. Is that something that’s actually happened?
Like countoftowergrove I thought this might (finally) be a reference to Trump’s domestic insurgency. But he’s definitely working in another country, so that’s not it. Just a confusing mess of a comic.
What do covid lockdowns have to do with terrorism? In the first panel the guy is begging because he lost his job due to covid lockdowns. Then in the other panels he’s an international terrorist who’s being given weapons. What’s the connection?
Progressive Democrats supported Joe Biden. They organized for him, they voted for him, and they will be represented in his administration.
You, on the other hand, did everything you could (which admittedly is not much) to prevent Biden from winning the election. You told your readers to stay home instead of voting for Democrats. You had comic after comic insulting Biden, calling him a murderer, attacking his family, etc. You said that you’d rather Trump be president than Biden. Why does Biden owe you anything?
Biden should reject all of the demographic groups who supported him during the primary and general elections. Instead, he should pick a cabinet of people like Ted, who despises him.
They’re so sensitive! I hear they get really upset at comic strips!