
BreathlessMahoney77 Free

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  1. about 7 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Don’t be too sure of that. They haven’t actually left the office yet.

  2. about 7 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Today’s strip is kinda boring …,. so I went back to look at last week’s boring strips & saw on May 29 Lee Ebony finds that Pierce’s browser history shows a history of reading about the scandal sheet, but on June 1 Liz says she can’t find anything about it online & Sam says that’s because it has no online presence. So what was Pierce looking at? & why is this story, which had a good first week, now moving at the speed of a road grader?

  3. 1 day ago on Dick Tracy

    Strips like today’s don’t so much move the story forward as embalm it. Still, the art is good even though the images are of old time film strip quality, Two stars.

  4. 1 day ago on Dick Tracy

    Every time you think the creative team for the strip have finally accepted the fact we’re a quarter century into the 21st century we get a strip like today’s.

  5. 2 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Sam knows more about this tabloid rag than is probably healthy for him. 2 stars for today.

  6. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    “Oh, I remember that scandal. They claimed Martians were paying off parking bureau officials so they could illegally park their space vehicles.”

  7. 4 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Whether it’s Eric or Mike writing the strip these days, it seems the “investigation” mainly consists of members of the MCU hanging around the office, talking to each other, while drinking coffee or feeding their faces. Even the artwork seems uninspired today. 1 & 1/2 stars.

  8. 5 days ago on Dick Tracy

    The one interning in New York, I believe, who’s spent 3 weeks debating over whether to join her friend at a party.

  9. 6 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Enquiring minds want to know why use a Linotype instead of a computer. Because computers make great evidence for prosecutors in court. 2 stars for today.

  10. 8 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I think Eric is referencing the baseball team that was featured in a Minute Mystery, the one where a player was murdered in the clubhouse. All part of the TracyVerse. So we’re now seeing the bigger picture, as it were, of the story & the villain, & apparently it’s not set in the world of finance but the tabloid press. Narrative momentum, the usual fine art. 3 stars.