My mom had an expression, that I always equated to a hamster wheel….“the hurry-er I go, the behind-er I get….!”
M*A*S*H was a movie first….then adapted for TV.
Yea, but combine that with trips to the bathroom, and HE’s covered some ground!
Time for dad to administer a “character building” A** whoopin’!!
Where the HECK is THAT?! We got bugs all year around!
Tribute to and RIP, K.K.
It costs less to look natural. The expense is all the hair dyes, and highlights, and fancy cuts/styles, plus all the goop you have to use to keep it looking “fashionable”….I hate that word!
…and then the next time she looks in the mirror, and wonders why she looks so old….then the crying jag will begin.
Just jiggle the handle…the flapper’s stuck open!
My mom had an expression, that I always equated to a hamster wheel….“the hurry-er I go, the behind-er I get….!”