@William Pursell —that’s up to the artist. This strip is about the cat…. although how Garfield would react to a “little Jon” or “little Liz” would be interesting.
It’s true in RL, too — many Humane Societies will take opened bags of dry pet food (dog or cat) as they sometimes don’t have enough for the amount of pets they’re getting. Check with your local Humane Society first, then if it’s okay, drop off the bag!
That’s Garfield for once being a Normal Cat. Their hearing is so keen that they can hear the lightning going through the airbefore the thunder hits. My kitty hears it and tends to find a place to hide…..
@Clark Kent —and you’re an idiot. That’s the kind of thinking that we had before we got involved in WW2. We need to go FORWARD with NASA’s projects, not backwards! Do you use a Temper-pedic mattress? What about GPS? Does your phone have that or you use it to get about? Then you’re using a product that was developed by NASA!
Jon just needs to ditch those and get one of those large outdoor pools. May take him & Liz a day to put it up, but it should be worth it when all of ’em can fit!
She needs to go to tarot.com for her horoscopes. They know how to put a positive spin on upcoming bad news.
I wonder if she’s got Scorpio rising? That would explain this…. : /