Wait a minute. Why isn’t Hammie concerned about cooties?!? It’s the sort of thing that makes kids who hate baths want to take a bath!
Well, Luann, when you’ve accumulated 90+ years of life data points, the way that Mrs. Horner has, mundane things are WAAAAY less mysterious.
The paradox here is that Calvin’s laziness SHOULD get in the way of his diligent philosophical work, but it somehow doesn’t.
“…because they’re making you so irritable.”
Toasters from God! For the golden, angelic buns you’ve always wanted!
When Hobbes is right, he’s right.
Rudder-Tail Qats
Don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt.
Wait a minute. Why isn’t Hammie concerned about cooties?!? It’s the sort of thing that makes kids who hate baths want to take a bath!