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  1. about 4 hours ago on B.C.

    You are correct about my typo. They passed the million mark a decade or 2 after WWII and haven’t slowed since.

  2. about 15 hours ago on Frazz

    We have reached the age where a garage full of stuff is just the least of what we have to move out. It will require major clear out and is sure be both a pain for the work and for putting up with insulting offers for what we consider ‘good, usable, or worth the price.’

  3. about 15 hours ago on Frazz

    Kinda think he is just making a humorous reference to the habits of a friend, as some occasionally do about his tees or his various exercise activities.

  4. about 15 hours ago on B.C.

    There is this to say about the Chinese philosophy of winning. They are never confrontational unless forced to be. With about about 1.5 million inhabitants, they simply inundate the opposition They are more insidious, like when the tide slows covers one’s feet while one is watching the sunset. One only becomes aware of the depth when it is too late.

    Look at the Pacific Islands and South America. Then look at who has begun building and lending in the Caribbean.

    Look at the amount of Chinese goods imported, both cheaply made and cheap to buy, that have forced a number of small US businesses under the hammer.

    The tide is rising . . . slowly. Be watchful where you stand.

  5. about 16 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Hair, Tee shirt, shoes, attitude — the same almost every day. She is ‘ironed in’ for both clothes and approach to life. Only occasionally, when she’s with Lucy, does something shake her loose , but that doesn’t last. Gonna take something big to open her eyes.

  6. about 16 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Agree with your first statement. Have seen so many examples of parents using their phones while their children are trying to get their attention to show them a flower or a cat or dog or something colorful.

    One of worst was one guy sitting at a food court table with his 9 year old daughter. She sat opposite him and was talking to him, leaning forward with her arms stretched across the table toward him and trying to make eye contact.

    Dumb dad was leaning back in his seat, one leg crossed over the other, both arms across his body as he talked into his cell phone, eyes on the screen. Body language clearly in ‘not hearing you’ mode. Pitiful. Another opportunity to connect with a child, who, in another 3-4 years would be a near adult and whose memory of this day would color her relationship with her father. She would remember days like this without affection.

  7. about 16 hours ago on Wizard of Id Classics

    He’ll find the castle is ‘short’ on entertainment and long on the rack.

  8. about 16 hours ago on Moderately Confused

    Just went through ‘back button’ Hell. Motorola phone battery got pregnant and split the case. Becoming a classic story. Since we only use those phones about 1/mo if that, in case my house bound spouse needs me. Decided to go back to earlier style flip phone. Much lighter to haul around and about all we need.

    Phone arrived with a 15″ × 12″ panel of warnings, legal glibbity, and denials of responsibility + 2×8″ section with bare minimum and poor illustrations for inserting battery and sim card. NO instructions for function keys, entering contacts, setting up main page, or how to handle/delete unneeded apps. Used back button so many times, it’s already looking worn and that was just yesterday.

    Pitiful effort to ‘push’ users away from older flip phones and into new over-priced toys. If I could find one that only makes/receives calls, has speech to text, and doesn’t cost what I paid for my second car 60 years ago, I’d get it in a minute.

  9. about 18 hours ago on Frank and Ernest

    The wimpy brain’s answers to multiple choice situations.

  10. about 18 hours ago on Herman

    An absolute hoot. Great laugh first thing in gloomy AM. : )