ML is succinct and apt, from a P.O.V. outside their constituencies, but…. Are either of these two gifts recent and fresh enough to be returnable? If so, there are at least two more DC Dems that could be returned for dragging the donkey down.
Why stop there? Perhaps the returns clerk would, with apologies to Rodney’s ghost,… Take my congresscritter, please!
So he’s decided the military will once again pay for everyone’s gender reassignment surgery and that dreamers get another few years in limbo. E.O.s lack staying power. Dreamers need real legislation and a real path to citizenship. He’s fiddling at the margins and papering over the problem. These E.O.s are mostly just symbolic noise that naive constituencies will accept as him “doing something” immediately, basically a PR Stunt, pandering without spending much political capital.
I’ll believe he’s really doing something about bigotry and systemic racism when he calls for the repeal of his crowning achievement as a Senator, the 1994 Crime Bill.
Bomba-phobes or nerd-a-phobic dumbasses are not necessarily islamaphobes.
These authorities would have treated a white kid the same due to their zero-judgement, zero-thinking, zero-justice, zero tolerance policies, given their complete incompetence at evaluating home-assembled electronics that contain no explosives, no detonator, no suspicious chemicals, and no extra wires.
It was the media that decided this was islamaphobia without any apparent evidence other than media bias towards seeing bigotry everywhere in the south.
Agewalker and AgentSmith101 and nobelpa all got it right.
A chewy bone for your bacon?