Big hug

Brdshtt Premium

Recent Comments

  1. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    Hey – it’s been real…

  2. almost 2 years ago on Luann


  3. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    It has been a good run for the last 12 to 13 years – most everyone’s been great.

  4. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    It is faster than gluing all the individual parts together.

  5. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    “The Scream” by Edvard Munch…

  6. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    Years ago, it was a fun competition to get first. Only thing was, there were some who just posted, “First”, much to the consternation of the rest of the readers here.

  7. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    I guess I really should give it back.

  8. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    Raw meat would run from that ‘smile’.

  9. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    LOL, I think he and Mordock get previews from somewhere…

  10. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    LOL, you got pretty close last Friday… :)