top level is pun is on take like thundarcats guy said. second line take-ammendment, third line take-jump Millie might play: It=Take it, or Leave it. or T-SOME L-the REST, then play STAND and RIGHTs
Pastry guy’s name is Guy? Pastry chefs are more touchy than the Chef. Did translate work? je m’appelle = my name is. Be careful of the Rothchild it’s a lady finger sugar laced bomb.
Is formation spelling out word Y-hoo? Sampson sight gags take study to get them all. That leaf blowing off the Canadian flag was a tough one to spot. He’s a well Seasoned incorrible punster – please incorrige.
ooof those 20-year-olds are pretty tough, gimme a sweet tender 2-year old!