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  1. 10 days ago on FoxTrot

    SCOTUS’ decision had nothing to do with constitutionality, which I agree they have the authority to do. They chose not to even take the case, which essentially says laws don’t matter.

  2. 18 days ago on FoxTrot

    Many people either do not know details or are ignoring them. I live in Virginia. Here’s what’s been missing: people can do motor-voter registration, so when they get their driver’s licenses, or photo IDs, there’s a part on the form that asks them if they are citizens. Many people don’t read that far down the form and don’t check anything, and that, according to Virginia’s present governor and attorney general, who do just happen to be Republican, believe that means they aren’t. If you don’t say you are, you ain’t, according to them.

    Many people who are not citizens when they first get their driver’s license eventually become citizens, and are not encouraged to change their status with the DMV when they do; I would guess many do not even think about it.

    Lastly, the 1600 people taken off the roles does represents the total number, not just the ones in the 90 days before the election. They’ve been purging for a long time, monthly. One previous poster noted that the purge in question not only began on day-90 before election day, but that it was accelerated from monthly to daily purges.

    The biggest issue to me is SCOTUS. It wasn’t enough for them to abandon precedent over and over in the last couple of terms. Not enough to give the President a get-out-of-jail-free card. Now they have decided that they can over-ride federal law.

    I need not remind you how those people got their jobs.

    Make sure you vote.

  3. 19 days ago on Bloom County

    My mom tried the wash-my-mouth-out-with-soap, but she stopped because I blew bubbles and laughed.

    My fourth-grade teacher was murder with her yardstick, and excellent at sneaking up on you. For the whole school year, I wore a coat and tie to school, because back then sport coats were heavily padded. I would pretend to be hurt when she wailed on me; never felt a thing. There are ways around that kind of discipline.

    And I managed to grow up a decent human being, or so says my bio.

  4. 4 months ago on Gary Varvel

    No. That is my educated evaluation of the SCOTUS ruling, and I am far from the only one who shares that opinion. People far more learned and experienced in the law have publicly published the same conclusion in different words.

    If we could only have opinions about subjects we had advanced diplomas in, voting would be far different, for just one of thousands of examples.

  5. 4 months ago on Ted Rall

    You make fine points, and I agree. The fact that I hear cries of censorship does not mean that those cries have value. And the fact that those cries have no value makes absolutely no difference when those crying cry loudly and tell everyone they need to take their business elsewhwere. Typically, those who cry “cancel culture” the loudest are those trying to cancel something or someone.

    As far as the quote you used: “Actually, it doesn’t, Ted. Quit your usual machiavellianing.”: I don’t know where that came from. It did not come from any of my posts, at any time, so I don’t know why it was included with my quote. Truly, it makes no sense to me; it is not something I would say.

    Other than that, well said.

  6. 4 months ago on Ted Rall

    Who determines “empty assertions”? I hear cries of censorship. The first amendment is sometimes like a razor blade.

  7. 4 months ago on Dana Summers

    The mindset started much earlier than that, but there has been one person who has been given a worldwide megaphone since the birther days, and that’s who I was referring to.

  8. 4 months ago on Clay Jones

    The guy on the rooftop was engaging in legitimate political discourse.

  9. 4 months ago on Mike Luckovich

    Give him credit where credit is due: he’s a master showman combined with a natural con man.

  10. 4 months ago on Henry Payne

    True: Assassination is wrong.

    True: An American citizen broke several laws, and as a result was indicted, brought to trial, and convicted. The only true “lawfare” is a website with the same name.

    True: as of this month, one American was gifted a get-out-of-jail-free card by SCOTUS. As a result, the foundation of the American legal system: “No one is above the law”, has been pried out from under Ms. Blind Justice.

    True now: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

    True: Only one sitting president has had private conversations with Putin, which we only know about because Russia announces them. Only one sitting president has invited Russian officials and photographers into the Oval Office, while specifically not inviting American press. The only time that I have ever seen the Dotard really smile like he was really happy was during that visit, where he was bragging about how he had fired Mr. Comey.

    True: in Helsinki, only one sitting president told the world in real time on TV that he believed Putin rather than his country’s unified defense and spy experts.

    And yet, you try to tie Mr. Biden to Putin? How DO you sleep at night?