What makes me think something could still happen is this. Why go through all the intricate set-ups (Mom and Dad out of the house for three hours, Quill calling to say he wanted to come over, Luann inviting him to come at the same time, her taking him straight to her “lair,”) just to have the whole thing killed by a cell phone? A waste of time and ink that makes no sense.
As I said, it ain’t over yet. They’re still alone in the house, in her bedroom, and you have to admit that she led him on just a bit. Fires are easier to start than to put out.
What makes me think something could still happen is this. Why go through all the intricate set-ups (Mom and Dad out of the house for three hours, Quill calling to say he wanted to come over, Luann inviting him to come at the same time, her taking him straight to her “lair,”) just to have the whole thing killed by a cell phone? A waste of time and ink that makes no sense.