I thought that the US went into Afghanistan to get Bin Laden and Al-Queda. When did we decide to do nation building instead, with a people that didn’t want it?
Re: Ukraine. It sounds like too many are just saying “Give the Russians what they want to ‘keep the peace’”. That’s the same thing that families tell an aggrieved family member to let the jerk brother-in-law continue to be a jerk and give him what he wants, to “keep the peace”. I’m sure that Ukraine will never get the eastern occupied provinces back, but just giving it to the Russians to “keep the peace” sounds an awful lot like the Sudentenland in 1938. There will have to be a negotiated settlement, but Russia will have to yield some too.
I haven’t figured out what the “T word” is yet! The problem I often have with such usage, as well as many acronyms, is that I spend too much time trying to figure out what they mean in plain English. They save time for the writer, but may take more time for the reader (me). At least I learned “TL/DR” but still have to look up what “IIRC” means every time I see it. (Yeah, aging Boomer)
The tomato juice thing seemed to work on my Blue Heeler (though admittedly the dousing wasn’t too bad). What I noticed more than anything was that I could never get the smell out of her leather collar, so new collar time.
I distinctly remember that SNL episode, where “President Carter” immediately recognized that the problem at Three Mile Island was a result of “The Pepsi Syndrome”, since he was, after all, a trained nuclear engineer (“and a darn good one” added “Rosalynn”) !
Someone made a comment a few years back on the current “Luann” that Nancy is the second hottest woman in the strip. She certainly beats out all the college age young women. Nothing is wrong with a 40-something woman!
I respect traditional conservative viewpoints, and I even voted for Gerald Ford, Reagan, and Bush 41. But why does it have to be Trump? The Republicans must have plenty of better potential candidates out there. Trump himself is a horrible example of a human being, but not all his policies are unreasonable. What was wrong with Nikki Haley? I would have considered voting for her. I suspect it’s the woman thing…
Wow, this is very true! I’m glad that I’m not the only one who experiences (and uses) this technique!