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  1. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    OK – Let’s talk about taxesAccording to those bastions of republicanism, the GAO, CNN, Tax Policy Center – 46%-47% of Americans (lowest income brackets) pay No $, Zero, Bupkis in Income Taxes…

    And 23% actually receive MORE in Tax ‘Refund’ than was withheld from their paychecks. (Not sure how a payout Greater than your Pay-in qualifies as a ‘Refund’, but that’s beside the point…)

    AND the Top 5% of earners receive abuot 30% of the ‘income’ and pay about 54% of ‘Income Taxes’…

    Figures of course vary a bit depending on which year is cited but never more than a couple % points.

  2. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Sorry – can’t type/spell today… Tendencies

  3. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    @Odon “… fruits of their labor…” I think you mean the fruits of their investment meanwhile executive compensation continues at a record highs. Where does that cash come from?Ah – I really appreciate transparency and especially your openness as a Socialist, perhaps with communistic tendancies…

    @Jack75287: Obamanomics is not even a word..

    But ’Reaganomics was ??? How terribly hypocritical of you.