Your comment reminds me of skiing when I was in grade school. My father would load all 4 of us into the family station wagon (’59 Impala as I remember) and with snow tires, we would all pile into the far back seat for the climb up the road to the slope. The extra weight cantilivered over the rear wheel drive made all the difference… This was all pre-seatbelt days.
I can remember sitting on the LR floor watching with my girls (about 8 and 10 then) and helping them understand the jokes. Fine times, those. They’re in their early 40’s now..
Pay close attention to the crypto space. And they have openly engaged in accepting what amount to tributes (note there is NO tracking what is done with donations for the inauguration).
But the real issue is in the equities (stock) markets. People with major preferences in that space will have direct influence in the government. We know about congress, but now it will be an army of self installed influencers throughout the executive branch.
Loretta, that’s not what they mean by an elevator speech!