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Recent Comments

  1. 8 months ago on Pickles

    Ahh, a really old strip. I was wondering why they all look drawn so differently. And the reappearance of Dan.

  2. 11 months ago on Ted Rall

    I have distant relatives in Ukraine, whom we visited not long after the fall of the Soviet Union. They were living an agrarian lifestyle, totally dependent on what they could grow, pigs for food and barter, chickens, one cow for dairy products, and lots of potatoes. No one had indoor plumbing, all cooking and heating was with wood. Roads were horrific, indeed there were few cars anyway. There was one gentleman in town who had a car and he was hired to pick us up at the closest bus station that we could get to. Horrific medical facilities, but schools were very important. I could go on.We got a crash course on what life had been like for them under the Soviets. But the joy and optimism of everyone was inspiring. Yes, they went through horrible growing pains that came with the freedom. But they managed to get rid of the corruption of the oligarchs who seized power. When returned a few years later, gas lines and dependable electricity had been installed, hospitals were established, and flush toilets! Yes! These are hard-working, freedom-loving people. They are not Russians and they will, and are, fighting to the death to maintain Ukrainia. They want to be westernized and be part of the EU. We must continue the help them fight off Putin!! If he wins, he’ll move on to Moldovia, then the next ex-Soviet state. Glory to Ukrainia!

  3. 12 months ago on Monty

    That pinup looks a lot like Li’l Orphan Annie, but the eyes are wrong.

  4. over 3 years ago on Half Full
