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- 22 days ago on Aunty Acid
22 days ago
on Aunty Acid
Absolutely. Although they will never admit this aloud, their attitude is: “How dare you stand up to me when I’m talking down to you! I have a RIGHT to pick on you, and you do NOT have a right to retaliate!” And then they go and complain to a superior, making you look like the instigator while making themselves look like the victims. I can’t stand people like that.
30 days ago
on The Flying McCoys
Did you mean to write “why a duck” or “why NOT a duck” — the later would make more sense.
30 days ago
on The Flying McCoys
Why a hamster? Why not just another parrot? Anyway, since we’re on the topic, here’s the famous Parrot Sketch from Monty Python:
about 1 month ago
on WuMo
With everyone now staring down at their phones all the time, Clark could probably change into Superman right out in the open and no one would notice.
about 1 month ago
on Zack Hill
Obviously, his political affiliation would be Democrat/Liberal/Leftist.
about 1 month ago
on Reality Check
Originally, the phrase was “Open Says-a-Me” but the pronunciation evolved (or perhaps devolved) to “Open Sesame”
about 1 month ago
on Frank and Ernest
“Knock, knock!”
“Who’s there?”
“Interrupting Cow.”
“Interrupting C….”
“Moo! Moo!”
about 2 months ago
on Bottom Liners
Yes, it is harassment! I keep telling you to leave me alone and you keep bugging me! You are a rude, crude, and vulgar human being who is far worse than anyone’s description of Trump has ever been. Jesus wouldn’t act like this! He would turn the other cheek and walk away – which is what I’m going to do now as I’ve reached the point where the sight of your name on my screen literally makes me want to vomit! Sending you more replies will only invoke more vulgarity from you because you just HAVE to have the last word! Your prideful ego demands it! So be it. Much like with bilbrlsn, I will walk away (for good this time), so have a blast writing your final insults. I’ll take comfort in the knowledge that they will be used against you when you stand before Jesus on Judgement Day.
My only regret here is that GoComics only allows viewers to upvote a comment but not downvote. Otherwise, I’d click the downvote button on your final insult as a means of showing that I saw your final word and am willingly ignoring it. Bye.
about 2 months ago
on Bottom Liners
I could show you the Biden footage and so forth, but you’ll dismiss it as A.I. or something. What you are doing to me with your consistent accusations is a form of harassment (or, as it’s pronounced in some dialects, “Harris-ment”). All you are doing here is convincing me further that the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:23 will be spoken to you on Judgement Day and not me!
Or at least it certainly should be.