At least he stayed in Kabul (brave man!)—he could be living in a villa overlooking Lac Leman…
From Charlie Wilson’s War: “And the Zen master said, ’we’ll see’”…
A hundred thousand dollars in $100 bills is only 5 inches thick—perfect size for forming “alliances” in 3rd world situations…
Hang on—we kicked some serious Socialist a$$ in Grenada…
I’d bet the farm Trump couldn’t say in what year the attack took place, or if Gen. Pershing was there…
That leaves us peasants, living on SS and watching the ads for grocery deals; pretty soon Melania will be wondering publicly, why we don’t eat cake…
There’s always the old standby—Trump cheating at golf; among lovers of the game, that tells everything about character.
Along with being the world’s biggest liar, he’s an ignoramus—he thinks there’s a Prince of Whales…
Sam Jackson: “Dat sh!t will rob you of yo’ AMBITION!” Bridget Fonda: “Not if your ambition is to get high and watch TV…”
Unless they’re Jews—in which case Allah turns a blind eye.
At least he stayed in Kabul (brave man!)—he could be living in a villa overlooking Lac Leman…