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  1. over 11 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Hey, gmforde – Ecigs have been RULED to be harmful? By what credible organization? AMA is silent on the issue – were the issue not politically touchy they would endorse ecigs. Every doctor I’ve spoken to has recommended them over ‘real’ cigarettes. They inject nicotine in your body – but nicotine isn’t what causes lung (and other) diseases.Case in point: Switzerland (an EXTREMELY health conscious nation) does not collect taxes on ecigarettes to to encourage people to use them instead of tobacco.

    I quit a 20 year tobacco habit with ecigs. much to my doctors delight.

    I’m not saying ecigs are healthful – of course they’re not. But compared with tobacco smoking there’s no contest.

    Anyway, were I you I’d do a little research before making broad statements.