と回凵 片几回山 冊と 几丹冊ヨ.... 山廾と 句回几'卞 と回凵 し回回片 凵尸 冊と 几凵冊日ヨ尺?
ACTION verb.
All the fat that’s fit to pound down.
11 grams of protein per serving.
Subscriber fraud.
Gubmint mull?
If you didn’t put the gummi goop from your “Incredible Edibles” kit into the molds for “Creepy Crawlies” so you could freak other kids out by eating the spiders and snakes you just weren’t cool!
I HAD a ticket for the lightning fast bus to Lame Town, but somehow I ended up on the Slow Boat to Tater Town.
I blame my personal ennui for bouts of polyphasic sleep.
Maybe I was just born out of time.