If only the MAGA terrorists in real-world Ohio were as well mannered…
I see a shallow grave in Stef’s future. Hopefully.
I hear strains of Clarence Clemmons’ saxophone.
“…there’s an opera on the turnpike, a ballet being fought out in the alley…”
Things are about to get ugly. Jungleland, indeed.
I doubt you fit the bill. You seem to have some degree of self-awareness and you can spell.
In real-world Ohio, the MAGA terrorists would’ve beaten her to a pulp by now.
You can tell that Batty has never been around a REAL mob. Like the crazed loons screaming threats to the press at Trump rallies.
The real-world MAGA terrorists are calling bomb threats in Ohio. These guys look like they’re at a prayer meeting.
…otherwise known as “banning.”
Comic nerds vs. MAGA terrorists.
This should be fun.
So, Batty thinks logic and reason and a few lines from Bradbury is going to get through to some MAGA terrorists?
He hasn’t been paying attention to what’s going on in real-world Ohio.
They should get together… and dig a shallow grave for Stef.
I’d lend them the shovel.
If only the MAGA terrorists in real-world Ohio were as well mannered…