hey! I have psoriasis (PsO). 1) We HATE the phrase “the heartbreak of psoriasis” and everything Tegrin did to make is seem like an inconvenience rather than the debilitating disease it is. 2) We know that if Trump had created PsO, it would not have survived as well as it has for millennia. We DO blame him for doing everything he could to take away the access to health insurance, and thus to affording our medications.
We worked art shows throughout Florida in the 90s. I rated shows by whether the porta-potties were cleaned overnight. And always looked for ones that were in the shade.
In lower income families, the mothers never stayed home. Two incomes were needed. They may have more commonly worked as maids, nannies, and such, but women were working.
Did you read her entire sentence? You quoted one phrase of it above, neglecting the 2nd phrase where she state “that’s rule #1 of life with Hammie.” It totally changes the impact of the first phrase.
It’s not that bad. I can tell you from experience that when you live in that area, you get used to driving a lot. Shoot, I used to drive 85 miles one-way, so 170 RT to see my specialists.
or at any time if your a teen who loves programming. Shoot, my brother spent his high school summer at the local university’s computing center but back then he was a genius with COBOL and Fortran, no BASIC yet.
hey! I have psoriasis (PsO). 1) We HATE the phrase “the heartbreak of psoriasis” and everything Tegrin did to make is seem like an inconvenience rather than the debilitating disease it is. 2) We know that if Trump had created PsO, it would not have survived as well as it has for millennia. We DO blame him for doing everything he could to take away the access to health insurance, and thus to affording our medications.