You can always give up your scholarship and become an apprentice electrician. I wouldn’t talk to the the Thorps because they never got scholarships for anyone but Mr. Perfect True.
I think she is supposed to be the first base coach, as Nancy got a base hit, though the foul line would be on the wrong side of the base. If she is the third-base coach, she should get the hell off the field. My primo is tearing it up for the boy’s team and we hear nada!
Hey, that’s my primo that scored the bucket—still getting up off the floor! Milford needs to run the five-out spread offense like Milwaukee and let Jorge run it like Giannis!
C’mon man, suck it up. What do you have—the heartbreak of psoriasis? My primo’s home was destroyed. Pass him the ball and maybe you will win a game or two!
Reminds me of a song when I was a young feller. But you don’t have to closer to trace the tracks of his tears…