This isn’t accurate…. The cuts would not be the billionaires in upper management. They’d be in lower management and the wage slaves. My wife is dealing with this where she works. Someone quits or gets fired, and they just spread that person’s work among the remaining peons. “Can’t justify replacing them. Boss needs another raise…”
I fully support the choice of anyone to Vegan or Vegetarian, so long as they don’t get their undies in a bunch when they see me eating a burger.
Regarding the cost of meat – it should be expensive. I get around the cost by growing and hunting my own. If you buy a certain brand of eggs, they may have come from my farm.
This isn’t accurate…. The cuts would not be the billionaires in upper management. They’d be in lower management and the wage slaves. My wife is dealing with this where she works. Someone quits or gets fired, and they just spread that person’s work among the remaining peons. “Can’t justify replacing them. Boss needs another raise…”