I’m glad to see polydactyly in the strip. My wonderful grandson was born with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot. My son quickly bought one of those kits that can be used to make a print of a baby’s hand. First things first, he wanted to make sure that my grandson would know that he was very special when he was born. Later about 8 months the extra fingers and toes were removed. By that time there were many pictures of that boy. In his case leaving the extras was not an option. The young age at which it was done meant that although my grandson knew and could see how he looked before he had no memory of the actually recovery. We never referred to his extras as being a mistake just that he was born special. Nothing about him was a mistake. He was and is perfect.
I’m glad to see polydactyly in the strip. My wonderful grandson was born with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot. My son quickly bought one of those kits that can be used to make a print of a baby’s hand. First things first, he wanted to make sure that my grandson would know that he was very special when he was born. Later about 8 months the extra fingers and toes were removed. By that time there were many pictures of that boy. In his case leaving the extras was not an option. The young age at which it was done meant that although my grandson knew and could see how he looked before he had no memory of the actually recovery. We never referred to his extras as being a mistake just that he was born special. Nothing about him was a mistake. He was and is perfect.