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Recent Comments

  1. 3 months ago on Dana Summers

    I guess this must not be a political cartoon

  2. 4 months ago on Dana Summers

    Except that simple Google searches rarely verify anything, but do provide plenty of confirmation bias. Ask yourself this: If Snopes.com (a far-left fact checking web site) can’t even confirm this, is it possible that the Atlantic magazine lied about it?

  3. 4 months ago on Dana Summers

    Except for the fact that he never said it and it has been debunked even by the MSM.

  4. 6 months ago on Dana Summers

    I like the fact that no one addressed the fact that we have people in Dearborn, MI chanting “Death to America” which was the point of the cartoon.

  5. 7 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    He did a thing a while ago on how to use the same base drawing to make different characters . Zebra and Goat are almost identical characters.

  6. 7 months ago on Dana Summers

    Never been convicted, but they don’t like him, so it’s the same thing.

  7. 7 months ago on Dana Summers

    Oh look. It was 9-0 as I predicted.

  8. 8 months ago on Dana Summers

    If only Indiana and Missouri didn’t have such lax gun laws, then the peaceful citizens in Chicago wouldn’t murder each other. Darn it.

  9. 8 months ago on Dana Summers

    1. There are no avocados rotting in California fields because we don’t have illegals to pick them. We get avocados from wherever they are in season.2. The border is not closed. There are legal ports of entry through which legal immigrants and asylum seekers may enter.

    It’s not complicated. If you want to check out at the grocery store, go on a Disney ride, cash a check at the bank, or get in to the country, get in line.

  10. 9 months ago on B.C.

    The atmosphere is made up of 0.04% CO2. When Dinosaurs were alive, it was 0.2% (5 times greater). The temperatures were 5-7 degrees F warmer. If the CO2 level drops to 0.02%, we go into an ice age and plants die. There is nothing anyone reading this can do about any of this. If it makes you feel better to be “CO2 neutral”, then go for it. Just know you are literally doing nothing to affect any long term climate change. One good volcano eruption puts out more CO2 than China does in a year, however the volcano also emits SO2, so the net effect is global cooling. There are simply too many factors, nature is too complicated, and scientists are too corrupt to build reliable and accurate climate models to base any kind of long term policies on that won’t have major unintended consequences.