If Israel were trying to kill Palestinians, there wouldn’t be over 2 million Palestinians in Israel enjoying full democratic rights, and the population in Gaza wouldn’t have gone from 300,000 at the end of the Six Day War to almost 2 million today. Hamas is a terrorist group that beheaded babies, raped and murdered women, killed 1,400 people, and kidnapped 240 on October 7th. The choice is easy. You’re either for or against that. #nohostageleftbehind
I love Baby Blues, but I’m concerned about how it depicts boys harassing sisters who are then punished for tattling. It sends the wrong message. Our daughters should tell us when boys touch them in ways they don’t want to be touched, not told off for being tattle tales. You need to do a strip about THAT, and then never again have Hammie touch Zoe without her consent or have Zoe told off for tattling. He can still be an annoying brother without touching her or her underwear.
Same thing happened to me. I was tossed from a poetry writing class for “not knowing English.” I am a native-English speaker with an ESL teacher’s certificate, and I was emulating my favorite poet, Dylan Thomas. I know English, but clearly the teacher didn’t know poetry.
Sorry to see you called 230 deaths in Gaza — 200 of whom were Hamas terrorists who fired thousands of rockets into Israel and most of the remainder victims of Hamas’s misfired rockets — “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing.” Debra Messing and Erin Foster are right. It’s talk like that that led to a group shouting “Free Palestine” attack people at the Sushi Fumi restaurant in LA. The attackers asked, “Who’s Jewish?” and then got out to beat the crap out of people. They didn’t care if those Jews did or didn’t support Palestinians. They just wanted to attack Jews. Your words have consequences that hurt people, but you don’t care about that, do you?
If Israel were trying to kill Palestinians, there wouldn’t be over 2 million Palestinians in Israel enjoying full democratic rights, and the population in Gaza wouldn’t have gone from 300,000 at the end of the Six Day War to almost 2 million today. Hamas is a terrorist group that beheaded babies, raped and murdered women, killed 1,400 people, and kidnapped 240 on October 7th. The choice is easy. You’re either for or against that. #nohostageleftbehind