Tinstar's Profile
tinstar Free
I'm getting older than I care to think about, but, I'm still a kid, at heart. I don't take life seriously... there are enough people out there to do that in my stead. Don't not do something, because you think you're too old. I got my black belt at 50 yrs old, and now, in my early 60's, I am working toward my 2nd degree. "Never, say 'never.' "
The reason for the bowlers, is because they were less inclined to fly off, when the cowboy had his horse running, or, so it wouldn’t blow off, in the wind. The cowboy hat we know, now, didn’t come into the picture until somewhere around the mid 1860’s, and, if I am not mistaken (though, that happens frequently!), was created by John (?) Stetson.