Many people don’t connect our support of Israel with the loss of cheap oil since the 1974 oil embargo. And most of our middle east troubles ever since.
One of those occasions where I paused and thought . . What is ‘brimstone’. Thank google, it’s an old world term for sulfur. Somehow associated with the smell of a lightning strike, hence the wrath of God being ‘fire and brimstone’.
Did you totally forget that tRump was our president four years ago? How did that reunification go. oh, that’s right, it’s what brought US to where we stand and wallow in a cesspit today.
Republicans have been plotting for years to throw this election into dispute if they lose. Wisconsin, for example, created a constitutional amendment stating only those appointed by official election clerks can handle balloting material. So everything from the maker of the ink to the US Postal service is up for contention. GOP here claims it’s common sense what the meaning is. We’ll see. And they are already suing in Milwaukee, because they may not be allowed to push the pull workers out the door to make room for their crowd of ‘needed’ election overseers.
How typically female. What you are doing isn’t important – go do what I want.